Questions About My Visit:
What can I expect when I walk in the door?
Our church family tries very hard to make sure you will greeted when you enter the door. Our pastor, deacons and members make a special effort to welcome you in. You will quickly notice a wide variety of ages from older Christians to young families and singles. We are thankful the Lord has blessed us with a variety of folks who have chosen to be a part our church family.
​What do you do during your services?
We normally have special singing, including congregational hymns and southern gospel style specials. Our pastor will then preach a message from the Word of God. Our prayer is the message will challenge, convict, encourage and strengthen you in your faith. There will be a time of invitation where you will have the opportunity to respond to the working of the Holy Ghost. We would be honored to have you as our guest, and we hope to see you very soon!
​What time are Services?
We have Sunday School for all ages at 10:00am.
Our Sunday School teachers labor throughout the week to prepare a lesson to strengthen and help you grow in Christ.
Our morning service starts at 11:00am every Sunday Morning.
Sunday Morning Services start directly following Sunday School.
Sunday Bible Study time is at 5:15pm.
Bible Study for our Ladies is a time of fellowship and learning, with an emphasis on study, prayer and Bible memorization. Our men will spend time sharing prayer requests, praying and fellowshipping together during the Bible Study time.
Sunday Evening service starts at 6:00pm.
Sunday Evening Services start directly following Bible Study Time.
Wednesday night our adult and youth services both start at 6:30pm.
Our pastor does a Bible study in the sanctuary while our youth are in the gymnasium building enjoying a Bible lesson, games and supper.
What do you have for the kids?
We believe in investing spiritually in our youth. We have nursery for kids 0-3 years old, during Sunday school and preaching services. Wednesday night the kids meet at 6:30pm. We have separate groups for teens and younger kids to study the Bible, play games and supper. This is a great opportunity for our youth to interact with other Christian youth and grow in their faith. Every year we host a Vacation Bible School. Also, throughout the year, there are conferences, special meetings and activities for our youth to participate in.
What type of music do you use?
We hold to the traditional hymns for congregational singing, and southern Gospel for our special music. We are thankful for the musicians and singers God has blessed us with at Oakview Baptist Church!
Do you support missions?
Absolutely! We support many men of God around the world, on varying mission fields. We believe missions is the heart of God, and the church has a Biblical responsibility to support missionaries.
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